ATO provides support with business owners' mental health

For small business owners, stress, depression, or anxiety can have an effect on their ability to effectively run their own business, as well as have an effect on their own personal life.

The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) is encouraging business owners to reflect on their mental wellbeing, as well as the people around them.

Those that are struggling with mental health issues and are having difficulty meeting their tax and super commitments, are recommended to contact the ATO early so they can work with them.

The ATO can organise a number of solutions, including a payment plan, delay a lodgement or payment, request priority processing of tax return refunds, book an after-hours call back and register for personalised business assistance.

The ATO urges people to contact them to learn about some of the common warning signs that suggest they should reach out for support.

Last updated: 20th November 2018