Changes to superannuation from July 1 2022

Several changes are being made to superannuation from July 1 2022 in an effort to fast track Australia’s economic recovery following COVID-19, with a particular focus on women and part-time and casual employees.

What are the changes?

These are:

The removal of the threshold means that all workers will be entitled to receive employer super contributions. These changes are essential news for businesses that employ a largely casual workforce.

The work test which currently requires a person aged between 67-74 to be employed for at least 40 hours in a consecutive 30 day-period during the financial year before any super contributions can be accepted, is to be scrapped from July 1 2022. However, the test will continue to apply where an application to make personal deductible contributions is made.

The thresholds for a number of existing super measures increased on July 1 2021. This includes increases in the amounts that workers can voluntarily contribute to super through salary sacrifice or after-tax contribution.

Key super rates and thresholds for 2021-22 are:

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Last updated: 9th July 2022